
Lately I've been thinking about death. Don't know why, I'm 68, reasonably health so my doctor says. I just think about how life goes on as others around us stop living. Guess I'm religious, go to church, believe, pray, it's not that part that concerns me.
It's leaving behind a wife, a happily married daughter that I love, only grandchild, 2 1/2 year old that I adore, she is incredible. Family, friends that I grew up with, and still like me. Some I went to grammar school with. My parents have gone, along with all my aunts and uncles, and some cousins have also passed. We were always a close family so their passing was always difficult.
I found out recently that an old friend passed away. We were very close from high school thru our 30's. We were like brothers, I'm godfather to his only son, and for us that's very special. He then moved to the west coast and over time we lost contact. I loved this guy like a brother. I think about his passing and we never had a chance to say goodbye. I don't dwell on death always, but as I fall asleep I think about how it will be. I'd like to stop and hope this is a passing thing. Any of you dealing with something like this.

For what it's worth, your thoughts and feelings are normal.
When we have older family member we don't normally think much of it .
It's when we are at the front of the line reality hits.
I wouldn't dwell on it. Like others posted it's inevitably .
It's the one common denominator we all have .
Not money, not race, not religion, not gender, will keep us from avoiding it.
Just enjoy the time you have and make the most of it.