UD Smoker?

Unconventional, Teaching GTAW (TIG) this fall. I've had students as young as 15 and as old as 73 so 62 you'll fit right in. Santa Maria would be a bit of a drive thou to San Marcos LOL. Teaching GMAW/FCAW (MIG) this summer class starts on the 25th of this month.
My mother is only 20 minutes away from San Marcos. If for instance the classes were Tuesday and Thursday nights, take the Surfliner to Oceanside, stay with mother, go to class, hang out for Thursday class, Friday home on the Surfliner. She would get so sick of me :rofl:. I've been welding since I was 12 or 13. If it could be gas welded or brazed my friends brought me their broken pieces to get put back together. Burned a lot of sticks in my 40 years in the Operating Engineers. Played at MIG a little. Never got to play with a TIG welder or Aluminum, rock plants don't use much aluminum. Since rock plant bosses prefer to remain in their offices, built MANY BBQs and other useful projects, some even for the plants :rofl:. I never could talk them into buying a TIG welder though. Narrow minded of them. Our Regional Production Manager was retiring and moving to Oregon. My partner and I decided to build him a BBQ to take with him. We scrounged the bone yard for days to find the right used up parts. The firebox was a well used tail pulley from a conveyor with shaft and bearings so you could just roll it half over to dump the excess ash. Exhaust rain caps for air flow control on the chimneys. Wheels were discarded v-belt drive pulleys with the grooves filled with discarded v-belts so they rolled quietly. On one of his last visits while he was busy in the office with our boss we took the skip and drag tractor, loaded it in his company truck, tied it down and went back to our plant unnoticed. It wasn't long until he was standing on our office porch with this big silly grin on his face. "Don't deny it. I know it was you 2 that did this."