UD Smoker?

Here you go S Sing
This is basically the All American Rub from the smokering.com web site with my take on adding dry mustard.
2 tablespoon Salt
2 tablespoon pepper
2 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoon brown sugar
2 tablespoon chili powder
2 tablespoon cayenne pepper
2 tablespoon cumin
2 tablespoon dry mustard
4 tablespoon paprika
mix all ingredients in a bowl, I like to rub the pork down at least 12 hours before smoking. this is enough rub to do approximately 20-25 ils of meat. I use pork shoulders with bone in (picnic roast, pork butt) seal in an air tight container in the refrigerator for a min of 12 hours. Leftover rub can be stored in a container and used for your next cookout. I have used this rub on chicken, pork, beef and pork ribs just about all meat I've done in the smoker. This creates a nice spicy bark on the meat and once pulled apart and mixed together it mellows out to a great flavor.

Thanks for taking the time Kevin...
Other than brown sugar and some fresh dry mustard, I have this on the shelf. Will try it this weekend when we celebrate Midsummer here in Sweden.