Today's nasty car!

Part two,
car came in for over heating issue and A/C not working.
Tech walked out to the car and popped the hood. He swapped the thermostat and gasket, changed the coolant.
He came back in and said he wasn't getting in it. Told me if he was forced to,he'd call a wrecker to get toolbox then quit. I laughed at him and told him not to worry.
I had the privilege of calling the lady.
She was just as nasty to deal with as her car.
I told her we wouldn't be able to do anything with the A/C until she cleaned. For all we knew, there's nothing wrong with the A/C it just isn't able to circulate.
The lady came to get her car and wanted to know who she spoke to on the phone. I stepped up and told her it was me. Was was insulted that I commented on her car and who did I think I was to do so. Service manager told her the car wasn't safe to be in the shop, that it was a fire hazard.
She went off on a tirade about how she had a A/C compressor installed in 2014 and the air hasn't worked since, ect....
He reinforced that there was nothing we could or would do until its cleaned out.
She finally left after 15 or so minutes of just being a *****!
Svc mgr said she'll be back, no one else will touch her crap.

This is EXACTLY why I purposely stayed away from jobs dealing with the public. When I was young (17-18) I worked in a exhaust shop, the job was awesome but dealing with the public sucked. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't want to set some's car on fire or punch someone. This is all a result of people feeling entitled, these are the same people who leave the shopping cart in the parking lot because they are too freaking lazy to push it to one of the collection points. Same people who finish their McDonalds and throw the bag outside their car window... I go rant for a long time but I think the point is made. I would completely agree that I have a very militant view of the world and therefore have no hesitation in saying that these people need to be hit with a taser repeatedly to correct the deficiencies in there character. Everyone screws up from time to time but these type of people go out of their way to do things they know are wrong "just because" and then are incensed when called out on it. They keep doing it because they get their way more than not just by being obnoxious because our society now wants to cater to everyone all the time. In other words, we have almost eliminated personal responsibility from our social makeup by allowing these people to repeatedly get away with stupid conduct and worse, even profit or benefit from it which only emboldens them more and makes them even worse... Sorry... rant over...