Well Crap :-)

@TrailBeast Your height and weight suggest you thin. Lucky you for this day it just paid good dividends! LMAO!

Call a locksmith I guess.

A fee I’d rather skip though most every time I needed one, they were inexpensive. It was like they got a kick out of it and worked for beer money. Others.... not so much. But still no complaints!

What would a guy do if his rear seat isn`t removable ?!

Locksmith or bribe a little kid....

All this time and I've never had a trunk lock failure.
Is this common?
(And WHO doesn't carry an extra set of keys on their belt? )
It isn’t common for these to break but with that said, any man made item will sooner or later fail because man made it. Everything has a service life.
(I’m hoping mine is 90 years or better! LOL!)

I use the hide a key metal box with a magnet.