Old time teaching station

Just reading an article in a car mag and it stuck me how true it was. When I was 15 I had a job at a two bay Kendall gas station right near my house. I worker after school till 8 pm five days a week and 6 hrs. on Saturday. It was owned by a father and son, the son in his mid 20's doing the bulk of the mechanical work. He could do anything and took on any job the stations equipment could handle. I pumped gas and luckily helped the son whenever I had the chance to. I learned so much working with him in the two years I worked there. We did brake work, clutches, suspension, engine, even some exhaust work. I went to a vocational school for auto mechanics, and the last two years shop was a breeze because of all the things I learned from working with this "gas station mechanic" and his father, who were great at their jobs and patient with me.
The article said correctly that the opportunities for young kids to learn like this is gone, as this type of gas station no longer exist. I'm afraid they have lost a great chance to learn at the feet of some really talented mechanics, also dealing with costumers ( face to face ) at the gas pump. I'm sure so many of us have similar stories and wish this current generation had these opportunities. I didn't stay in the mechanical field to make a living as other things came about. Although, fifty years later I remember their names and wish I could thank them, but their gone. While I didn't make a living at it, what I learned helped me enjoy my hobby all my life. Thanks AJ and Pop