Off Topic, but can i ask a medical question here on this forum?

Not sure what you have, or if it is similar, but I have Thrombocytosis. Also a mutation that produces too many platelets. I take a chemo drug for it, and so far after about 5 years, everything seems to be fine. I was also told that although rare, it could turn into leukemia. I guess I'm a realist, as I take my meds, see my hematologist every 3 months, and don't worry about it. I told my Dr. all I ask is, he try to keep me around long enough to watch my grandkids grow up.

Ya, platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells, ALL have to be in an acceptable number to be NORMAL inside the human body.
In the beginning with my medication, (it's a form of chemotherapy, in pill form) the doc was experimenting with the dosage to get all three of the numbers within acceptable numbers.
Mine has to do with way to many white blood cells being produced all the time.
The mutation doesn't tell the body to stop producing white blood cells.
In the beginning, the machines that analyze blood, would go thru the roof, off the charts, wouldn't go high enough, getting my results, on the graph, in the computer.
I too have to be monitored every three months, to find out how I'm doin.