
Doug, I think you've found your new calling! I am lovin all your Facebook pictures. Especially that Cougar!
This one? EJ0A9249.jpg
I have several more of this car....taken from behind it when he launched...have a landing one that is pretty wild looking. Have some shots of the 67 Mustang with a stick in it wheels up, in the dark. EJ0A0438.jpg
Lady Elaine, a local Nostalgia Funny Car. She is looking for pictures of the car with the new body on it. She only made one pass at SCR with it, this is it. The ISO was maxed out at 25600, shot at 2 full stops over exposed, aperture was maxed out and blinking (means the camera wanted more) and I shot it at a relatively slow shutter speed. I am hoping she likes this picture as it was the best I have of it, I think. My mentor was standing right next to me, his image is damn near the same as mine....