Double roller vs. Single roller

Was the Cloyes set a "matched set"? Or did you get the parts separetly? I did a "group buy" some years, ago, of matched sets, and no one let me know there was a problem. I used two, myself, and they were fine. The ones I got, had part number CS225 on the box.

Oops, let me clarify.
It was an off the shelf Cloyes silent type. When I was looking 2-1/2 years ago I don't think I found a Cloyes double roller.

Sounds like another case of an old school company getting bought out and quality goes to hell.
If the stock type Cloyes chain was even remotely tight I probably would've used it but there was a half inch slack right out of the box! I think the Rollmaster was around $105 shipped.