deactivated all my social media accounts

never gonna happen.. too many people are of the opinion that if you don't agree with them that you are automatically wrong and will yell,scream and start name calling because you have a different opinion from them.. they turn into a bunch of kindergartners (just like just about everyone in politics)......

Sad to say, but I believe you are right about that, Joe. In recent weeks, those who are unwilling to have a civil discussion with those having differing viewpoints from their own...... Have stated publicly that they will resort to violence in order to impose their will on us all, as they do not have the votes to do so otherwise.

If that is indeed the case...... As the 2018 mid-term and 2020 elections draw nigh, I would expect them to attempt to repeat the violence their fellow travelers perpetrated in 1968 and 1972 at the Democrat National Conventions. Only this time, I suspect they will attempt to disrupt both the Democrat and Republican National Conventions.

Already, they are inciting others to emulate the actions of domestic terrorists, citing as examples the murderous deeds of the 'Weather Underground', et al.

Keep your powder dry,
