
Had to run and did not get to finish
SCAT ( and their re-marketers) have been much better than the rest, getting better last several years
on the LY rods I figure with cores and ARP bolts I'm in them about $500 side grind takes some time but I do it for my own before mag, mil spec shot peen is also not free
I detail the machined stress riser behind the bolt foot with a small round file
On these rods customer supplied the bolts - I usually use SPS on non maximum effort builds I've had no problem with the bolts in the aftermarket rods- they seem to torque to the same stretch repeatedly - I would appreciate other observations
bottom line cheap aftermarket rods, as with heads, may not be so inexpensive since you have to go through them again.
Just re-torquing leaves the big end too big pinfit usually needs a touch up also but usually a touch up hone works If they need to be bushed to get the right size it's time for os pins or send them back (because os pins require pin fit the pistons) unless super light/ or strong pins are going to be installed- but then why are we fooling with offshore cores