340 Hydraulic lock inspection update...

It is (was) a dli motor. I remember Dick's son telling me that I was lucky to have him do the head work because most other shops wouldn't know how to go to extent he did on the x-heads safely and that there was basically nothing more anyone to do to improve their flow now because he machined them to their safe limits. Over $1k in head work alone that everyone always said e would have been better spent on alloys.
I'll see if I can find the cam, spring, head spec's and let you know.
Thanks for the advice!

If all it did was break off material off the guide I'd fix that in a New York second. There no reason to throw away a head for that.

I'll add when you see something like that break it's usually because you have a valve train issue.

I'd fix that head. And I'd fix the work that DLI because I don't do **** like that.