A904 manual lever to manual valve ??

The lever sits on top of the manual valve. There's an E-clip on the throttle lever shaft that holds everything together. Maybe it popped off, allowing the manual lever to float up and off the valve? But I'd expect the detent ball to shoot out, so you wouldn't feel it go through the gears...

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That was my thought too. I couldn't figure how it got out in the first place unless the shop that gave the tranny a once-over did it when seals were replaced but I don't know if they touched the shaft seal. They were only looking for leaks to fix. What's driving me crazy is that after I fooled with it for a couple of hours by adjusting the cable it worked for a while then reverted to form and lost "D". Or I shift it briskly a few times and move in & out of Park and it works. I put 10 miles on it the last time and kickdown & everything worked perfect...next night no go. Any chance the manual lever is bent just enough to allow it to slip in & out? I am really dreading dropping pan as the headers have to drop to give access. PITA!