Dany's race car adventure, or help us spend my last $1500 wisely!!

I don't know how traffic is coming from Ky. going West at the bottom of the loop on 275, you may be fortunate. But going West at the top of the loop from Milford is usually one big parking lot the closer you get to Edge W. on Fridays.
Years ago, from a different location, we went River Road and came in from the South. But for you I 75 North is probably another parking lot.
I'd get an early start so you can get there in time to sit in a long line for an hour or so waiting for the gates to open, and then you get to wait some more.
It's like watching turtles.
Talk about Bad Management. They don't know a dollar when they see one. If they had a brain, they would have a headache!
For me, it's a total pain to go there.
Once you're inside, it's better.
Weather wise it looks like good timing.