Not mine but strong sb

It looked like neither gauge was even operable. Maybe a vac/boost gauge, but no blower...

I can see reason to not cut up the dash, and I didn’t even have enough room to mount all the gauges I wanted. I went online and picked up a pillar gauge pod for 2 gauges. It fits ok, could be better. I think it was for a Honda Civic. Now I have AFR and MAP right in my face. No sense in cutting up the dash that you like or the cowl vent on the outside. I’ve never heard of anyone in love with their pillar. My fuel pressure gauge lives under the hood.

There’s recently a guy in the forced induction section, with a Jeep I think, Turbo sbm, he used a raspberri pi, which is a compact computer OS, and ran all his specialty EFI gauges to a lcd display - looked really slick!
So yes it is fuel pressure and nitrous pressure the fuel pressure is operable and was sitting steady at 6 PSI the nitrous well I don’t even use it kind of crazy to on the street and haven’t had the opportunity yet to run it at the track car runs high nines engine only and still having traction and clutch issues so not even sure what it will run yet but if I can put the power down and run the nitrous could run a 8.99