Gear vendors reviews

Hey dredging this back up as it is a really great informative thread. AJ/FormS, please explain the above. Sounds like you're saying this will take out the trans if reversing with the GV inshifted?

Is this true? Why would this be the case? It doesn't make sense to me, which is why I'm asking. I know me, and I'll forget that it's in-shifted almost every time. Seems like if this were the case, GV would be forced to find a way around it. Let me know, and thanks!

It will take out the gear vendor not the tranny. They come with a electronic board to keep it from happening. But as AJ and I both did we wired ours without the board But still have a light to tell when it's in over drive. AJ can tell you why they break better than me.
Butting in a gear vendor in my car was the best thing I've done, I really like it.