340 High Compression Pistons

Nope. I see your reading level is not too good. I said we turned it down. Three times. We were too busy to do a bunch work to stand around and masturbate over a magazine article.

In fact, the last time I had all the hard parts lined up. Had several of the companies I dealt with daily steeping up to help with parts for free. In the end, I wasn't willing to do the work. I don't need it. I was already working more hours than I wanted.

Ok good enough at typing about geting a bunch of free parts and still not capabel of figuring out a RPM340 heads architecture? Lets see if i can help you with understanding,worst case scenario i may dig up some old pic of them and draw some arrows on it.

The part of the decksurface of that head that is closest to the port,valve and valveseat is not going to get any closer to the mentioned architecture by cutting the head .060 to turn it into a somewhat closed chamber,you may or may not know something about other heads but that head is what it is.