Well, look what we have here!

Seems I've posted about my W-5 junk many times, because many said you can't get a 2.100 valve in one without moving the guides. But you can. It would be better with a 2.08 though, unless you use a 1.500 exhaust valve.

Why couldn't you get a 2.1" valve in without moving guides? A quick measurement and simple math tells us valve guide spacing is 1.875" =/- .002" a nice nominal number. So half of the valve diameters added together better be less than 1.875". I get 1.85" with a 2.1/1.6" which should leave .025" between valves--your valve guides better be good and valve train stable. W2/W5 OEM heads all have the same spacing. Also most off the shelf pistons barely have room radially for a 2.08" . J.Rob

p.s. See YR, it's not so hard to add actual information. I even added a picture for you.
