Here we go! LOL

At least you are getting more done than I am. Scatter shield isn't here, and getting someone on the phone from Lakewood to figure out where it is is pissing me off
LOL your "reasons" LOL are longer than the year is long? Cuz lordy man you need some evidence to back up some of the things you say once in awhile don't you? Isn't this taken the bonjour I'm a supermodel internet thing just a little bit too far sometimes? Anyways....
My name is yellow rose and I have a certified scattershield! LOL
You haven't raced since 2006 and aren't those certifications only good for 2 years? You must have some big plans in the next couple years either that or you can't figure out where to write the next check so you're just going wild?
All right my wife can hear me voice command again she's telling me not to be so mean again. Dammit! I love nothing more than busting your chops.
Alright I got to post up some real progress so I can get a nap here before The Rifleman starts