Question of the day why did you pick Mopar and why in a body

Mopar picked me! Lol growing up my neighbor had a 69 dart I didn't know what it was at the time tho. My school bus driver drove dart still didn't know. One day he wore a mopar shirt and i asked him what is a mopar his response was "if you have to ask you wouldn't understand" well i was 7yrs old and I didn't understand but i wasn't giving up!!! So I kept prying finally he explained it was Plymouth chrysler and dodges! So then at some point later I was bugging my neighbor being a 7yr old kid lol I was asking him about his car I always loved the look of that car. And he told me it was a dodge dart and then I made the connection I was like omg that's a mopar and he was like yea it is! Well he let me play in it and start it and all that cool stuff kids like to do. I still didn't know much about it until years later! Let's fast forward 8 years or so. I'm 15 years I have my learners I'm about 9 months or so away from my license I have one thing on my mind and that is a car! So my mom and dad are going to look at a house for sale instantly I see this old dodge dart in the driveway so while mom and dad are looking at the house im looking at the car when the tour is over I ask if the owner wanted to sell the car they said they would get back to me they did and I bought it for 300 bucks spent all my summer mowing money lol i will find a pic if when I drove it home and post it!