Another Road Trip

Latter that day we took a drive down Hwy 1 toward Lompoc. Since I needed gas we decided to check out Vandenburg AFB. This base is where they rain the nuclear missile crews as well as launching satellites into space. I didn't realize how big the place is. I found out they had a museum on the base so we went seeking that out.

Well, this venture turned out to be an adventure. We followed the signs which took us out toward the launch areas. We passed several buildings, one of which had 3 rows of fence with the first row electrified. Signs of "Deadly Force Authorized" plastered all along the fence. Needless to say we didn't hang around.

Well, once we got down to the launch gantrys I realized that maybe we had done too far. I was amazed that we didn't hit any security posts. Well, we decided that we had gone far enough and turned around. As it turned out we missed a launch just two days before we got there.

Sorry for no pictures of the gantry area. There were signs plastered all over "Photography Prohibited" If we were pulled over I didn't want our phone confiscated.

I did take a few of the entrance to the base.

As a note, some of the security police were running around on 4 wheelers. What a cool job. I did see a lot of security police on the base, they were all in the BX.


