Trans shift points?

It's a 727. Shift kit, if there is one, is unknown. I haven't done anything but maintenance to the transmission since I have owned it (1.25 years).

I've got the cable to the point that even the slightest tightening will shoot the shift to 3rd WAY too high.

Then you need to tighten up on the 1-2 shift control valve spring, or the 1-2 shift spring so it resists the shift a bit longer.
OR order a new outer governor weight.
The governor weights are basicly 3 pieces, an outer weight, an inner weight, and a spring. you can lighten up the weights and use litlle stiffer spring to raise the shift points. I believe the outer weight and spring control the 1-2 shift and the inner weight controls the 2-3 shift. There were even aluminum weights available. If you have access to a lathe you can lighten up your weights. The outer weight gets cut in the middle of the OD leaving it looking like a spool. The inner you can counter bore on the small end to lighten it.

Obviously most of this is trial and error until you get what you want, but I have always heard A&A transmission parts online gets damn close going by the description you give them.