Return line, can it be smaller than the feed line?

Looks like jpar is using the rear carb as sort of a primary carb and the front carb as a secondary carb. That front carb has to have the throttle pulled far enough to engage the U shaped bracket the adjustable stop.

Picture one is showing the adjustable stop. The further you move that stop away from the U bracket, the later it pulls the front carbs throttle.

Picture two he is pointing at the U bracket on the front carb.

Picture three looks like he is giving all of us the finger, or he is pointing out the rear carb hiem joint and how he spaced it out so the linkage is in line.

Picture four is showing his throttle cable mount.

So he is using progressive linkage. I never have used it because I always just let both sets of primaries open together and then the secondaries on both carbs open together.

With Holley carbs I pull all 8 barrels together.
You pretty much got it there except for that front adjustment. I tried to allude to the fact that all has to be adjusted at wide open throttle so everything ends up at wide open throttle. You adjust that stopped at wide open throttle and then you get what you get as far as how much of the first carburetor you get before the second one kicks in. Now to adjust that, that would be the distance again from the fulcrum point. And for those who don't know what the fulcrum point is that's the point at from which it pivots. So the closer to the fulcrum point the more the rear carburetor will work without the front carburetor and the closer to 1 to 1 the same distance from the fulcrum point will be one to one. So it was literally determined how far down I drilled that whole as to how much play the first carburetor will have before it grabs the second one.