72 Demon slanty-to-340 Resto

Just to clarify, if my last post wasn't clear:

IF this crank can't be saved, or if it ends up costing more than a brand new cast crank, I'll just toss it and buy the cast crank. I DO NOT plan to buy a forged crank, I was only linking that as a comparison, to give an idea of what value that crank may have if it can be saved. I got this crank free with the deal, and if I can save it for less than a brand new crank then HECK why not!?

I got the crank in the electrolysis tank right now, got a good deal of rust off but still more to go. I did get journal measurements, but stupid me misplaced the paper I wrote em down on (can only remember rod journal, about 2.138" IIRC).