any benefit to swapping heads?

Sorry guys I guess I was/am/probably always will be; a little confused myself.
But the bottom line is the same, I like the dump-it-and-go combo. And I hate having to rev it up and slip it out, the older Mustang way. I like a blip on the throttle and unload the flywheel into the tires then drive away. I like stomping the go pedal and having instant tire howl. I like downshifting into first at 30/35 and again launching the car.And you can do the math; 30mph with 3.55s and 27s, and the fabulous 3.09 first gear is ~4100 rpm; ready to rock with a street cam and plenty of cylinder pressure,Dcr/VP. And second gear makes about 48MPH at 4100, again perfectly geared to blow by some poor slowpoke in a 50 zone. And third at 4100 makes 66mph, again perfectly geared to pass on the freeway.
The Commando box has really nice splits , you just gotta build an engine to maximize it's potential.
The 2.47low box is real handicap for a streeter. It wants a 4.44 for the same first gear TM. It wants a 3.85 to match second, and a 3.71 to match third. So when YR says he has a 2.47 box and 4.56s that's partly why.
The 2.66 box is the same as the Commando except the low gear is different. The internal gearing is different tho, such that the only gear that will swap between the boxes, is the ms first gear.
Here is the 2.47/4.56 combo, in road gears:
11.26-8.07-6.11-4.56 .................. followed by the 3.09Commando with 4.10s
12.67-7.87-5.74-4.10........................... and the standard 2.66box with 4.30s
11.44-8.26-6.02-4.30 ............... and finally my set-up; Commando and 3.55s
You can see that the starter gears are all more than adequate for a streeter, and second gears are fairly well matched, and on the street they are all good to 60 mph, which is where most of us shut down most of the time. By the time we get to third gear my box is slightly outclassed. And by fourth my box is history
But as a streeter the only thing I want out of fourth is a good cruizing gear so 3.55s are a winner. The other gearsets really want overdrives to be "streeters".
So if I only need to blast thru two gears, then my combo is pretty ideal.
And if I only need to blast thru two gears, why would I need 450 hp.
Why would I need a 292/508, or a 284/484, or even a 276/286? The answer is I don't; cuz I'm only gonna hit peak horsepower ONCE on the way to 60mph, at the top of first gear; and the tires are gonna be spinning all the way anyhow. So why would I need a 6400 rpm cam, for what is gonna be, a 3500rpm car 95% of the time. The answer is I don't.
But boiling the hides to 50,55,60 and 65mph sure is