Do You Miss Your Appendix?

That's the part of the human body that allowed time travel if combined with the right thought process, and now everyone who had theirs removed are stuck here.
I've joked about an appendix transplant for years, and nobody ever gets the joke.
Oh the proud self wisdom of some people. They teach children that the appendix was no longer needed
because we evolved out of it. Isn't evolution about gaining?

We can live without our eyes/ears/arms/legs and so on. The body was perfect at the beginning and slowly
breaking down over time. A copy of a copy of a copy... No new information added.
I'm pretty sure every part in my body was designed and installed there for a reason.I don't need to know why, I just need to believe it;and I have always believed that, over Science,falsely so called.
The only parts I have had removed,were a couple of rotting teeth, and not because they were hurting me, but because they were grossing my wife out.
Well except for kidney stones.When they begin migrating; they have to get the heck out ASAP.Thank goodness for morphine drip
Still have mine. My tonsils were removed "for no good reason" when I was about 7. They lied. There is no relaxing in bed eating ice cream. Also, this was done at a local "clinic" in my small town, with what I believe to be ether or chloroform for anesthesia. I still remember the awful feeling and "hangover"
Appendix? Aren't those in the back of the book?
Mine started busting in the first grade at school. The teacher didn`t believe me when I told her my stomach was hurting , after a couple of hrs. she called my mother , she came and took me to the hospital. I was told I was on the operating table for 8 hrs. , took a shot every hours for three days, before being released. Still have small indentions in my arm muscles where they gave the shots to me. Couldn`t take them in the hip, hurt too much ! That will be 66 yrs ago next October.
Had mine out when I was a little kid.

Probably helps explain why I battle stomach problems on a daily basis.
Mine is right where God put it.
In 1952, when my grandmother was pregnant with her soon to be son had her appendix become inflamed.

The doctors didn't catch it and the thing exploded. My uncle was born with full blown Down's syndrome. The doctors said the poison from the appendix did it.

One of my best friends had his appendix taken out in 1996ish. That thing became infected and almost killed him.

I'm sure we need the appendix otherwise it wouldn't be there. But they do become a problem sometimes and need to be removed.

I'm sure there are worthless doctors out there who remove perfectly good appendix just because they are greedy.
The Taliban needed something to eat.
I still have my appendix however, my gall bladder has gone bye bye. When that thing went south, it was some kind of hurt.
I still have my appendix, still have my tonsils, still have everything!

...well, except two little pieces of vas deferens :eek:
Miss it? Nope...still have it.

I miss some of my hair though...