Low oil pressure?

If you think there's no oil pressure until the oil hits the bearings you are just so wrong.
The only reason I put a red X on there is because I disagree with you.

fluid pressure. noun. the pressure exerted by a fluid at any point inside it. The difference of pressure between two levels is determined by the product of the difference of height, the density, and the acceleration of free fall.

Every turn of the passage every downsize of the passage causes resistance which builds pressure. If it comes to an open area then the pressure drops.
How about we get back to solving this guy's problem instead of discussing this plug.

This is an old post May 22 so I think his problem has already been fixed, you started something so finish it show me that I am wrong,

Cope did you find the problem ? I didn't read the entire post so I don't know.

I know that when I start my truck after a oil change the gauge sits on 0psi and all of a sudden shoots to 60psi, now I am sure that there is a little pressure as the oil is being pushed through the engine and as everything fills up it's not enough to move the gauge. Now when the engine is shut off with out the plug the oil will drain back to the pan emptying the engine, but with a wet oil pump the oil will pick up on start up and build to full pressure even with the plug out and bypassing the filter..