Speedometer cables part numbers

So I just swapped out the actual cable spun it with a drill and it worked out fine. Only problem is my motor came out of a motor home and this is open rearend so the speedometer was way off probably need to switch the gear but it showed smooth on gauge no jumping around. I still think it would be good to post some of these part #'s for myself and others I ordered some from AutoZone and one from Amazon so I'll post what those turn out to be. The genuine Mopar part number I listed in the beginning you can get right from the dealer and push on with 7/8 on the tranny end. Power steering is different.

I know how to run a cable.

I wasn't sure which one was right way to feed it through there it looked wrong over the top of the brace. I came through from along side the column seemed like a straighter shot. A lot of poeple inatvertantly install stuff wrong over the years to a car then you get it and you are left scratching your head over stupid stuff. I was watching a you tube video of a guy who had his spindles on *** backwards and was switching em back after 20 years.lol