What is Quench

My take on it is ether build for it or don’t worry about it. YR is right about it when he said everything else is in the state of tune. And everything needs to be tuned not just the carb.

It is easier to build a zero deck flat top piston (+ or - in conjunction) with closed chambered heads and set the distance up with the gasket. (In conjunction with the pistons deck height) to achieve what your looking for.

This is what I have been doing the last few rounds. The current crop of closed chambered aluminum heads makes this almost to easy not to do. IF anything, it is getting harder to find a piston (forged or not) for low compression with the closed chambered heads for small cams and super charging efforts.

The effects of a good quench engine are good and best used in a nice high performance engine ready to rock and roll. Otherwise, it isn’t all that when your not taking advantage of it.

Again, ether build it with quench or don’t worry about it.