drums worth it? what do i need

This is just ignorance.

Sure, you can stop that 10 second car once, but if you have to do it again before the drums cool off you’re into the wall. And if it’s raining cats and dogs you’re into the wall. And if the adjuster on the left side is one click tighter than the one on the right when you yard on the brakes you’re into the wall.

Can you stop that car most of the time ok? Sure, if it’s a drag race garage queen that never sees wet weather and always has a nice cool down period. Drive it in traffic on the freeway and not so much. Drive it in the winter and not so much.

Heck, actually drive it and not so much.
That's a ton of assumptions that don't follow. A 10 second drag race car does not have to make two stops in row in in the fastest turn around. If a piston hangs up on a caliper, or a hose doesn't flow right, the problem of one side locking upo or not working will happen with a caliper equiped car. Rain is not a problem for drums. Rain does not equal driving through a deep puddle, and with any brake its still a good idea to give them a little squeegee action after doing that.

Drive it? That comes across as pretty arrogant - at least to me.
I drive my car 4 seasons - dirt to Interstates. I've checked the maximum brake temperatures when I drove on the track at NJMP. I know people road racing with 4 drums - not that they like it, but thats the rules. Point is its doable. I've driven 4 drum cars in autocross and winter snow with great stopping. Furthermore, drums on the rear are a lot less to be concerned about than drums on all 4. The OP has a light car and either 10 x 1.75 or 10 x 2.5 drums are plenty adequate. Bigger drums than that are just adding weight. Unless there is a special need, like to handle more heat or gain leverage, bigger than than enough is not needed or desireable.