First Time...

I know you had to add an overflow. Was there anything else like 5 point harness etc?
It leaks oil and trans and diff but only drops when its parked would that be an issue?

I might have to meet you down there one evening. My tired old 67 2bbl 273 dart convertible would be a kick to run.

Yes, their main focus seems to be the overflow (at least a pint), the carburetor return spring (double) and the battery tie down.

The seat restraint rules are based on time. I have only a lap belt. There are special rules for convertibles. You might be required to wear a helmet and possibly gloves both of which are available for rent at a nominal charge.

The rules say the vehicle can not leak fluids. The staging lanes however, look like the parking lot of an auto parts store. I think if you do not have an active leak you will be fine.