Tunnel Ram on Street?

So is the reason to not go small on the carbs to make sure you don't choke right right down on the better flow that the TR can afford? (I get the carb tuning and the air flow in each venturi...)

Is the smaller duration because the flow overall can be better, with less pressure drop, and thus the fill is just automatically better?

Tnx for posting BTW.

Exactly. When the carb or carbs are too small, they tend to go dead rich and it's hard to correct.

Exactly. Overall flow in terms of flow numbers, but more importantly flow QUALITY is better. So you need less cam timing to keep the RPM the same. And the TR will make amazing low end torque while not giving up anything on top. If you don't reduce the seat timing, the bottom end goes to hell, and you have to spin the guts out of it to get the power back. That is an over cammed issue and not an intake issue.

Look at modern EFI intakes. They are nothing more than laid down tunnel rams. You can't do that with wet flow like a carb, but dry flow with EFI makes it possible.

Like I said...I have a perfectly good TR under the bench in the shop. If my car didn't have the factory Raisin Bran hood, that beeeeeeeeotch would be on my car.