How to properly remove dampener bolt?

I should mention that I also can see that on my dampener there is a groove that is marked and it lines up with zero on the timing tab on my timing cover. That also verifies that my piston is TDC on compression stroke correct? The issues with the piston stops are that they all appear to screw into the spark plug hole. I don’t have any heads on the motor. If I put a bar across the piston and bolt it down to the block I don’t think that will work with my engine. My compression on the engine was about 9.8 to 1 so the piston doesnt really go much over the top of the cylinder if I remember correctly. Therefore I don’t think that would work to remove the crankcase bolt? I could be wrong though but the pistons aren’t domed more like flat top. What if I put the car in gear and found something to go in between the flywheel teeth to stop the engine from turning. Would that work or would I risk damaging the flywheel?
He said to shove a rag down the cylinder to take up the slack.