wooooooooohh! get you some of that..... wall!

For my 2 cents: I used to like the Gas Monkey show years ago. Honestly there is now less drama on the Kardashians that my daughter's watch.
I kinda wish the whole TV auto shows would change direction and start actually putting how they build the cars again instead of the stupidity that actually sells the commercials.
I'm not into the drama. I dont have but a few hours a week to watch TV and to waste my time with his "beer assistant" and in fighting... is just not there.
I give him credit for building an empire that the average guy could not.
And for the record his money started with the Jeep guy who fronted the cash for the show. THAT guy has Daddy's money... or Dealership money.
They have been friends a long time going back to the Cannonball run thing years ago. ( New York to Cali I believe)
I'd still like to have a beer with him, seems like a fun guy if his REAL personality is 1/4 of what you see on TV.
Don't wish anyone hurt while drag racing. I've seen people die at the track before. Everyone should go home regardless if you like him or not.
OKAY- off my soap box.