Line lock or leave as is?

I cant say what's excessive, that's not my call...

I can say line lock is great. Why melt your rear shoes or pads? It's one wire and one cut in the hard line. Two step is also awesome. It's two wires VS how ever many thousands of dollars you have in your engine to not have to worry about over revving and launch at what ever RPM you chose. What's a two step cost, 45 bucks? That's a no brainer for me...
This is why I was asking about this now. I plan to upgrade to a new aluminum MC so the lines will be loose and I figured it would be a great time for new plumbing and only have to bleed once. Seemed like a great time to go ahead and add line lock, especially if I can use it in the future (5 speed) also.

Not sure on the two step yet but might look at something like that down the road.