Stop in for a cup of coffee

So a crazy thing happened while I was on trip last weekend....
I have a new Echo PB580T blower, I used it the day I left, and it was almost filled with fuel. I use the fuel out of a can, no Ethanol, and premixed with oil.
Well, went to use it yesterday, and the tank was empty. Strange....Well tried to pull the start rope, it was locked up SOLID!! :wtf: Pulled plug, nothing in the cylinder, still not able to pull rope, even with plug out....HMMMMM. It seems the tank is not vented, so the gas got real hot and expanded, into the crankcase!!!! It was FULL of fuel, the crankcase!!! Dissembled it, drained out the gas, put it back together, got it started, but now needs a new Carb. That was strange, never saw that before. I will leave the fuel cap loose from now on when I am not using it.....
Now I stink like old gas.....Wife will be pissed, washing clothes in machine, will stink it up....