A different Q on 340 Vs 416

One thing that is real intresting with having a stock stroke higher rpm engine is other peoples reaction to them,all the crap you get told about how an engine is not going to last and wont run well on the street just because it has the capacity to turn some rpm:) There is a nice advantage with a stock stroke engine that i know what im getting.
Yeah I get that all the time with my 367;
It's either; "oh you shouldda built a 340", or "that 360 is gonna blow up".
Well it has over 100,000 on it now, and at one time it went 93 in the 1/8th, so, yeah, I guess 360s are junk like they say... Not!! I bored it to 4.04 and call it a stroked 340, and that usually shuts 'em up.
I totally agree with you, and am glad I did it my way, and I'm pretty sure that
You will be glad you did it your way;
and daymn the torpedoes!