Advanced Corn on the Cob...

I heard those microwaves can kill you.
Hey it's what I heard, I also heard;
Cell phones can melt your brain
second-hand cigarette smoke can kill you
Obesity causes heart attacks
Having Diabetes is a real PITA
If you get Arthritis, it's life altering
It's safe to fly in a plane.
Living under a high-voltage electrical main-line is OK
Elvis was spotted in........ name a town.
Marriage is good for what ails y; Get a dog, you wont need a treadmill; When you get older, you'll have more time; Two can live cheaper than one; Kids don't need spankings; Doctors are smart; Cows are stupid brute beasts;UFOs are friendlys;
Bigfoots exist/or don't; and Giants don't exist,never have/never will.