Why Did You Begin Smoking?

I was 12 or 13, my sister 14 or 15
Whenever she went on a date, I was sent along to chaperone
Hey boyfriend would then send me to the snack bar to buy him a pack of smokes and me a milkshake...the idea of course was I didn't come back until the milkshake was gone

Somewhere along the lines the milkshake turned into a pack of smokes for me aswell

Quit cold turkey New Years Eve, 1984. No pills. No patches. Just willpower. Carried an open pack of Camel Filters in my pocket for a year to calm panics. Could stand one right now. Enjoyed every one of them. A great memory, though I knew I had to quit. Quit the same time my Dad did. Neither one of us would be here if we had continued to smoke. I used Skoal Bandits when motorcycling to hold me over to the next smoke stop.