Good places to retire? Sorry-long

If you don’t mind the heat from June to Sept with very little freezing winters Kerrville Tx is very nice. Small town it has hospitals and doctors. Which are very important to have around after you retire. It is the Texas Hill country. Hunting fishing and golfing. Kerrville Tx or Flagstaff Arizona is where I wanna go when the put me out to the pastures. I don’t know your budget but a 1200sqf home in Cali for the same amount could get you a 4,000 sqft house with acreage.
Mom lives in Kerrville! She loves it. Shes from TX originaly so the heat doesnt bother her much but it doesnt get stupid hot there, maybe the slight elevation? She lives in Riverhill Country Club.
Oregon has no sales tax but has a high income tax, and property taxes are 1.6 to 2.5 of assessed value of property. $300K place (not hard at all to do) would have a $7,500 yearly tax on the property. Many Oregonian seem to feel CA politics are creeping north so they tend to shun the new folks. Im not injecting politics, just stating an observance when we had an aunt move up there. Sadly there is alot of meth labs too. Another CA import? That'
s from a Medford police man, my wifes cousin.