Is anyone else "touchy" about their Mopar? (long rant...)

OP, I feel your pain, many times been in your predicament, all of life is just a stage. Nothing I would like better is to show up in my professionally restored concurs correct convertible Hemi Cuda.
No, it's never going to happen, I make the very best of what I have and damn proud of my accomplishments. For most people to belittle someone else tells me, they are looking for futile ways to better themselves, and lack the qualities to become human. I feel more drawn-ed to the survivor cars and the weekend warrior types. I have a very small appetite for the new machines, I am sorry but if you have the money..... you can buy anything and show it.
I enjoy the fact, when I change out the gas tank, carb, brakes, upgraded the ignition, and many other tasks, I can talk about it, been there and done that, let me help you through it. Now on the other hand if you have the cash and willing to pay others to elevate your needs, lucky you.......