1956 Dodge Hardtop, Stripped Oil Plug and Oil Extractor Options?

Spent a nice weekend working on the old girls. Blasting Pink Floyd and having a few beers.

The 56 HT has a stripped oil pan plug. Been under the car all Sunday trying to get it off. I just can't get a grip on it and making matters worse the steering rod is directly behind the plug making it impossible to get a ratchet or hammer on a extractor nut. Built a tool I thought would work by drilling a hole through my 1 1/8 socket so I could get it on the plug and put a bar through it for leverage....but...nope. Just slips off. Heating it up doesn't work because you just can't get a grip on anything or bang it loose.

So I have admitted defeat and based on some recommendations from some car buddies I bought one of those manual oil extractors.

I got this one. It was on sale for $85 CDN. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00LCEWR4A/?tag=joeychgo-20

Never used one before. My friend raves about them. Anybody using them? Experiences? What brand or model is everyone using?

Here are some pics from the weekend.

