GRATIOT back in the day

That's why I like O'Reilly. All their stores still have master catalogs, although finding the personnel with the knowledge to use them is quite different. We use ours all the time. In fact, that's one of the requirements that I put into affect at our store. Every employee must be able to use the catalogs proficiently. They have even implemented that in other stores in our district. Before I started it, they were "just there". I asked my manager about it and he said it was a damn good idea so we put it in place. It's worked really well. It really teaches people about different product lines and how to go about finding something off the map.
I've never seen the parts books used in the O'Reillys around here. I don't think they occupy any countertop space, anymore. All computers and monitors, now. I once saw a guy pull an old catalog from underneath the countertop.
Love the Linda Vaughan pic, headlights and all!