Big Block Book choices

The magazines are nice reads best in helping to show the car. There builds can be interesting. Some
Builds I find a bit weird on there power returns, others seem right about correct. The problem with it seems to be more there credibility in the public eyes. Many people believe there just fluffing numbers to help sell the products they use bacuse there also being advertised in that magazine.

I don’t believe that. If you do, fine. The way I see it is if you pay for advertisement in the magazine then that’s what you get. IF I use your part, then I use your part.

If you pay me to use your part, then an honest reply will follow and if, IF you don’t like it, tough, your left with a few choices starting with if you should make a better part or not.

IF you get upset and decide to pull your advertisements (money) that’s your call for I am sure my honest magazine will not need your money or lies to the public on your parts which may not helpful them anyway.

Reader beware, gather facts, talk to people that have been there and done that before making a purchase. Just because it is popular doesn’t make it the best or right for YOUR COMBO!!!

With all of that babble said, the mag builds can be Inspirational and thought provoking.
And remember, there is no shame in a copycat build. It is probably the best compliment you could give to the person you’re copying the build from.