Alternator Capacity for 1968 Dodge Dart 270/SL-6

You guys can print all the specs and whatever you want but this is exactly the alternator's produce 14V. If the battery is "lame" or the starter draws 'a bunch' or cranks "awhile" then the ammeter will be "to the right" further and for a longer time.

THE BIG THING with your nice big 60A alternator is the lame old wiring in these girls. Bear in mind THEY WERE ALWAYS LAME and have GOTTEN WORSE with time.

"Ma" knew this and on cars with 65A optional alternators, MODIFIED THE FACTORY WIRING to improve the situation. Look it up!!! It's right in the shop manuals!!! It's called "fleet/ taxi/ police" wiring. It involved adding another wire through the bulkhead through a separate grommet so the bulkhead connector is not overloaded.