Turbo vs supercharger?

being a turbo user...aka turbo addict. i have ran several and 1 thing i have NEVER had was this thing i read about. that is lag. it does NOT exist on a properly speced setup. if you have lag you already lost. lag was a thing in 1974 or so. when stall converters didnt exist and stick shifts was the trans of choice.
ill put up my twins to anybodys blower car.

the 1 thing about a turbo setup is simple. it will either make you a man or a quiter. it wont do anything else but your resolve will be tested more than any woman ever will in short order.

removing all bias and all preferences and likes or dislikes. NOTHING outruns a turbo car properly setup.
NOTHING is as streetable as a turbo setup
NOTHING quiets down the rowdiest of power like a turbo either.
NOTHING gets better fuel economy to a turbo
last but not least of all..NOTHING is as reliable as a turbo(unless its a precision turbo those suck).