Tire size and brand?


Go ahead disagree with this too, just because i disagree with your misguided and irrelevant information you have to go and disagree with my posts that actually point the op in the right direction. ...


I see where you disagree. You call these "fantasy tire sizes" because I translated the numbers that he gave into the industry standard and they're not always precise across brands...is that right? I guess I was overthinking it.

He asked which brand we preferred and you didn't have anything to offer on that? Hmm.. so I DISAGREE with you there. :D

In any case, the thing of value that I tried to offer was the often forgotten consideration of the contact patch area. Going to a shorter or taller tire, even at a the same claimed width, will have an affect on this.

50 series tire of a given width/ID offers a patch with a given length
60 series tire of the same width/ID provides patch with a greater length and therefore greater contact patch area.

No, the "traction benefit" is not going to have a linear correlation between contact patch area and friction but area is relevant.
