Tire size and brand?


I see where you disagree. You call these "fantasy tire sizes" because I translated the numbers that he gave into the industry standard and they're not always precise across brands...is that right? I guess I was overthinking it.

He asked which brand we preferred and you didn't have anything to offer on that? Hmm.. so I DISAGREE with you there. :D

In any case, the thing of value that I tried to offer was the often forgotten consideration of the contact patch area. Going to a shorter or taller tire, even at a the same claimed width, will have an affect on this.

50 series tire of a given width/ID offers a patch with a given length
60 series tire of the same width/ID provides patch with a greater length and therefore greater contact patch area.

No, the "traction benefit" is not going to have a linear correlation between contact patch area and friction but area is relevant.


Not enough to make a difference regarding the op.

So i guess i googled 26x11.5 slick huh? Well your wrong there again. I spent a good 10-15 minutes on summitracing searching through the 15” tire options with the parameters the op was looking for and posted the results. He was looking for which brand, i listed his options to clerify which brands he should look for and then maybe someone else would of chimmed in with experience on one of the brands listed.

You accuse me of google searching a 26x11.5 slick yet you looked on a caculator and backwards calculated a u.s. size into a metric size that doesnt exist. The industry standard used to be u.s. before metric sizes came along. There is no benefit of posting the metric sizes you listed as there is no beneficial information there.