I tell ya guys, it's awesome living next door to a retired fabricator/welder guy.

For you guys losing your **** over him not wearing goggles, he was wearing a hood for most of this. He's just zipping out a spot he missed here. He's wearing gloves, and that jacket is heavy canvas type thing.
As for the Dart, I bought it for the front frame rail, inner fenders and torsion mount to fix my Cuda. I've stripped out anything that was remotely usable on it, including the rockers and posts that you see here (and the good parts of the floor). What he didn't take is going to the scrapyard... you can explain to my wife why I'm keeping this on the off chance some guy with a 4 dr. Dart might need a roof skin someday.
I don't appreciate a good friend of mine, that is helping me out for pieces of scrap, being called an idiot. This 'idiot' retired at 48. His house is paid off, has about 10 years of wages sitting in the bank, never used credit so he has no bills. He needs $200/month to pay his util bills... but sure, call him an idiot over one picture. This 'idiot' is going to make getting my Cuda on the road possible. By the time I got home from work today, he and his kid had finished cutting this, hauled what he didn't want to scrap.. and cleaned my driveway with a magnetic sweeper.