A Message from Canada

Hi All. I'm gaining on 60 years old and have been a hard core car guy my whole life. I'm as proud of the great cars that came out of Detroit as just about any American. I think that's probably true of most Canadian gearheads like me. When I've needed speed parts to feed my habit I've spent my money with many of the litany of great American aftermarket suppliers from Accel to Zoom. If you want quality performance parts you go to the USA. "Made in the USA" means something to us too! I'd rather scrounge the classifieds looking for a vintage piece, a hand tool for example, made in the US than go to the store and buy something new made in China. When your manufacturing jobs packed up and left they didn't come to Canada, they went to Asia, just like ours did. We're your friends and good neighbors, and when it comes to Fords, Chevys and especially Mopars we're your brothers. If any of this makes any sense to you and you hear someone dissing Canada please put in a good word for us. Thanks for listening!